Things to do

Local amenities & things to do in and around Chabanais

Within walking distance from the gite:

  • 3 Bakeries/ Boulangerie
  • 3 Bars
  • 2 Restaurants
  • Pizza/Kebab take away
  • Fish and Chips eat-in/take away
  • Clothes stores
  • Tabac/ Newsagents
  • Traditional Market every Thursday

Short Drive

  • Large traditional French market (foire) every Saturday
  • Swimming lakes
  • Water sports
  • Bike rides
  • Kayak, Canoe
  • Village Martyr Oradour-sur-Glane
  • Richard the Lion Heart trail
  • Rochechouart Chateaux and meteorite landscape
  • Rochefoucauld Chateaux

Days out exploring further a fieldĀ 

  • Explore the Dordogne region
  • Visit Cognac and a distillery
  • Bordeaux
  • The coast, La Rochelle, Royan
  • Futuroscope
  • Zoo
  • Nature park
  • Angouleme city of band desine (comics) & the famous classic car racing
  • Limoges city
  • Confolens Festival
  • Steam railway
  • Porcelain museum